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Products      Specialized Equipment      Jolly Tool Carrier

Jolly Tool Carrier

    The Orizzonti Jolly tool carrier is a reversible tool carrier that operates on one-half row at a time. It is ideal for orchards and vineyards with interrow distances of more than 2.2 m.


    • Front/rear mounted; can also be mounted on reversible tractors
    • Electrohydraulic distributor with a 5-function joystick,
      • 4 movements (lateral movement, tool tilt, depth wheel height, feeler) + on/off motor
    • 3-point linkage for categories 1 and 2
    • Storage support
    • Hydraulic circuit with pressure-free return flow for motorized tools
    • Required: tractor with a single-acting hydraulic outlet with free return, with a minimum flow of 30 L/min and 180 bar of pressure

    Optional Features

    • Wide range of tools available, e.g., intervine blade, mower disc, sweeper, power hoe, plough, motorized disc plough
    • Integrated hydraulic unit


    JOLLY - Brochure
    Manufacturer: Orizzonti Macchine Agricole
    Expertise: Nuts and Berries, Orchards, Specialized Equipment, Vineyards
    Categorie: Stock Equipment, Weeding