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Auto DRIVE Autonomous Driving System

    The GOtrack Auto DRIVE autonomous driving system is installed on a tractor to enable it to work completely autonomously.

    The system can be programmed in various ways:

    • Record and play: the system records the route, taking into account the position of the 3-point linkage and PTO starts/stops, and then reproduces it with a high degree of accuracy. Ideal for repetitive tasks, such as spraying, weeding, and mowing.
    • A and B points setting: ideal for planting fruit trees
    • Circle around the field: ideal for mowing a field without obstacles
    • Map uploads with marked reference points


    • Includes the Remote CONTROL System, the Line ASSIST automatic row navigation system, and the eSpray PRO spraying computer
    • Compatible with over 30 tractor models to date
    • Detection of obstacles and people on the route
    • Functions: tractor start/stop, autonomous forward driving, speed control, PTO start/stop, 3-point linkage up/down, as well as control of sprayer functions via the eSpray PRO spraying computer
    • Recording of parameters for all routes
    • Tractor control and monitoring via a mobile application

    Optional Features

    • RTK base station
    Manufacturer: GOTrack
    Expertise: Nuts and Berries, Orchards, Specialized Equipment, Vineyards
    Categorie: Driver Assistance Systems