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Products      Specialized Equipment      500L/500S/600T Blueberry Harvester

500L/500S/600T Blueberry Harvester

    The Kokan 500L/500S/600T blueberry harvester picks berries using pulsated air jets and conveys them into crates.

    It harvests only ripe berries, without damaging the plants and without any direct contact between the harvester and the berries.

    Three models are available:

    • 500L: pull-type harvester (540 rpm PTO and tractor ≥ 80 hp with creeper gear required)
    • 500S: pull-type harvester with an independent engine (tractor ≥ 60 hp with creeper gear required)
    • 600T: self-propelled harvester


    • Pneumatic rubber catching system for delicate handling
    • Air jets to separate the leaves from the berries
    • Oscillating fingers to pick up all the remaining berries at the end of the harvest season
    • Comb discs to minimize berry losses on the ground
    • Pulsated air jets force and frequency fully adjustable
    • Functions available on a monitor
    • Tilt correction
    • Integrated hydraulic unit
    • Weight: 2500 – 5500 kg depending on the model
    • 3-point linkage for category 2


    Kokan Harvesters - Brochure
    Manufacturer: Kokan
    Expertise: Nuts and Berries, Specialized Equipment
    Categorie: Harvest, Harvesters